Nursing twins

Hi everyone

I just had the visit of one of my patient who was expecting twins with her babies that are now 13 days old. It brings back such memories for me to see these little babies!! It seems like yesterday I had my twins in my arms, tiny little chicken like I used to call them. The mom was visiting me to consult on nursing her twin babies.
Nursing twins brings many challenges but it is doable. With a good support system!!! Moms can do it. How many time have I heard you will not be able to nurse your babies !! One of the tricks that worked for me was to nurse them together. It made it alot easier with a good twin breastfeeding pillow. Moms of twins are tired but I say it is like a marathon take one day at a time and you will get there. It can only get easier from here. Try to have two naps at the beginning, one in the morning and one in the afternoon so that you can cope a bit better with the sleep deprivation. Accept that you can not do everything alone and you need help.

The best thing you can do to help parents of twins is to bring them food, offer to clean the house and or change a diaper, give the baths to the babies. Let the mom nurse the twins and feed them.
On my web site you can find an article that talks about nursing twins feel free to go visit it and print it.
Twins are special to me obviously and I just wanted to share a few tips with you today. Next time you see a twin mom nursing don’t tell her “how do you do it” but congratulate her! It will go a long way to encourage her.
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