Latch is key!!!

Hi everyone

The week end is almost over and tomorrow I am heading to the breastfeeding clinic. I wanted to talk briefly about the subject of latch. So many issues stem from a bad latch. Some research actually says that 80% of problems in nursing are related to a bad latch. When I help moms, the first thing we always do is to look and correct the latch. Also remember that if you are experiencing pain during nursing there is something wrong. It should NOT HURT!!!. When nurses tell you the latch looks good but you are still in pain then you must do something. It is not normal. A few simple tricks to remember is to point the nipple towards the nose so that the baby has to reach up and open his mouth very wide. Remember that the baby’s neck also needs to be in extension or looking up. It will be a lot easier for the baby to move his tongue down and swallow as well.

Another thing that we seem to have forgotten is that babies are programmed in their brain to nurse and to latch well. At the clinic and what I use a lot in my practice is called self latching. We place the baby in an upright position between the breasts of the mother and we do not touch the head or force the baby on the breast. The baby will then move around and find the breast by himself and attach in a much better position with a wide mouth. A great web site you can visit for more information on that is I encourage you guys to view that video and to see how amazing this little baby is.

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Why did I choose chiropractic?

Hi everyone

Many people are curious to know how I became interested in chiropractic. I always like to tell this story. Chiropractic has been a part of my whole life. My family used to go see a chiropractor regularly. It actually started with my father. When he was quite young, he had decided to jump off a barn and he ended up falling straight down on a fence. After he had all sorts of health issue. My grandmother finally heard about this doctor who had helped a lot of people and he was a chiropractor. So she took him in and he helped my father tremendously. After he always continued to see him and when my parents got married, he introduced chiropractic to my mother. When she had me the rumour was that I was very colicky so she decided to take me to see this doctor. She said she loved it because after the treatment I slept so well! We then continued to visit them whenever we were sick or not feeling well our whole life. When I was 14 years old, we saw a new chiropractor. She was a women and it just clicked for me. I realized that may be that would be a great job for me. I love helping people, there was science, you treated with your hands to help the patients. So there it is at 14 years old I said I was going to be a chiropractor and the rest is history. I did all the necessary pre-requisite to go to Toronto at the Canadian Chiropractic College. I graduated in 1998 and have loved every minute since then. It is so special to help people get out of pain with natural intervention and no drugs.

So briefly this is how and why I became a chiropractor……

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Sleep posture

Hi everyone

Today I wanted to talk about sleep posture. We spend so much time sleeping in our life that it can have a huge impact on how you feel. People always ask me which posture is best. The easiest thing to answer I find is to tell patient which one to avoid.

The worst position is stomach sleeping. Stomach sleeping as been associated with upper back pain and headaches. When I do my history, I always question which position people sleep in. If they have major headaches symptoms most of the time I can predict that they are stomach sleepers. When you are on your stomach it changes all the curves in your neck and upper back and affects all the muscles and joints in the neck.

So patient should either sleep on their side or back. If you are on your side make sure your pillow covers the distance between your shoulder and your neck when your neck stays straight. On your back the best thing is to bring your knees up if you are experiencing some low back pain and make sure In your neck your pillow gives you god support. You want to ensure your head is not lifted too high or too low. The basic principle is to keep your spine in a neutral position.

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Tongue-tie babies and breastfeeding

Hi everyone

I am very excited about launching this new blog. My goal is to inform you as much as possible. I love feedback and questions so feel free to write me back. I wanted to start talking about the lactation conference I attended last week. It is always refreshing to go and listen to great speaker. I always come out of these refreshed and ready to go back to the clinic and apply what I have learned. I had the pleasure of hearing Catherine Watson-Genna the tongue tie expert from New-York. So today the post will relate to breastfeeding. So what is a tongue tie. It is a little filament under the tongue that prevents it from moving well. For babies to breastfeed effectively they must be able to move their tongue well. They should be able to lift it all the way up to the roof of the mouth and move it side to side. If these motions are restricted then baby can not suck effectively and get milk. It may be quite sore to the mother as well. The best thing to do is to look under the tongue of your baby and if you see a little white line you may consider seeing a lactation consultant to determine if the tongue tie needs to be addressed. For certain moms it will save their breastfeeding!!! If in doubt call a lactation consultant for advice. You can find a list of lactation consultant on the website

Hope this was informative until the next time

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