Hi everybody
I had a patient who came to the clinic today with her 9 month old baby. She came because she injured herself trying to put the baby car seat in her car. These baby car seat are very difficult on mom’s backs. The reason is quite simple because even without a baby they are heavy and then when you add a baby they are heavier. Some parents are not all aware as to when they need to change car seats. So this is what happened today. The little guy was 9 months old and his feet were almost past the car seat. When I asked how what was the babies weight she could not answer ? She did not know if her car seat was good until 20lbs or more. This is little guy must have been very close to the limit! So do you know when to change the car seat? It is very important to read the instructions of the car seat you purchase! Some of the baby car seats usually have a maximum weight of 20lbs so check the weight of your child. Also kids should be rear facing as long as possible. I always refer to the web site of the SAAQ for information. Look for some clinics that are offered by your local police to make sure your car seats are well installed in your car.
I am copying some text from the web site from the SAAQ that I thought might make you realize that accidents can happen anywhere and have huge consequences if your child is not restrained properly!
“According to an SAAQ 2007 survey, 2 out of 3 children are not safe when riding in a vehicle. Approximately 83% of children are in a seat that is suited to their height and weight, but seats are used correctly, that is, the child car seat is properly anchored on the seat of the vehicle and the child is properly restrained in the seat, in only 41% of cases.
Even today, 1.4% of children are not restrained in either a child car seat or with a seat belt. Children are sometimes even seated on a parent’s lap or stand on the back seat.
At 50 km/h, the weight of objects in movement is multiplied by 35. In an impact, a 9 kg child can become a 315 kg projectile that can collide with the dashboard or be ejected from the vehicle.”
So on that note make sure your kids are well restrained next time you simply go to the depanneur and don’t forget that they grow up and that you need to change and update your car seats !
Drive safely !!!