Graduation day for my MSc!

Hi everyone 

After 3 years of hard work, my graduation day of my MSc has arrived. I had decided to start that MSc project almost 4 years ago.  Following the World Federation Conference in Brazil, I met a student who had just graduated from that program and shared his excitement with me.  I contacted the tutor at the Anglo European College of Chiropractic,  Dr Joyce Miller who was very convincing and got me excited about the program. My registration was accepted in the MSc APP Peadiatric Musculoskeletal health.  During these 3 years, it was alot of work and many trips to the UK to finish this project but I have no regrets. I have learned so many things and met many friends from  all around Europe.

My thesis was my final project that took a year to finish. It was an original research evaluating the perception of lactation consultants IBCLC of musculoskeletal disorders in the breastfed baby.  My next project is to try and publish it in a scientific journal so stay tuned!

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Breastfeeding Challenge 2012!

Hi everyone 

Have you heard of the breastfeeding challenge? It is an interesting event that has been started in Canada by the Quintessence foundation. The foundation had heard of an event in Australia called the “latch on” where people were in the same place and latched their baby all at the same time. They decided to try it at first only in BC and it was so popular that now it is all across Canada.  The goal is to have  the biggest number of mothers latching their babies at the same time at 11am.  It is a fun event where mothers get together. What a great way to help  promote breastfeeding!  Now many  countries are doing Latch on at the same time.  The record actually is from the Philippines in 2006 where  3738 women latched their babies at the same time.

I remember participating with my twins when they were almost a year old and I had a great time. I encourage every nursing mother to attend the event!

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New mothers and sleeping!

Hi everyone

I had not had much time to write since I have been back from my trip but today I wanted to touch on sleep when you are a new mother.  I had a long discussion at the clinic with a mother regarding sleep. This poor mom was so tired and exhausted she did not know what to do! This is a very sensitive subject for people. Is your baby sleeping through the night? Do you let your baby cry it out ? So many books have been written on the subject as well!

What is interesting is that one of the latest research actually says that moms that are exclusively breastfeeding actually have more sleep then non-breastfeeding mothers.  We had been saying this for a long time!  Mothers that are breastfeeding benefit from all the physiological aspects if breastfeeding. The hormones usually help you feel more rested! You can actually go read the explanation of this study if you are curious using this link:

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Nursing in public!

Hi everybody

I hope you are getting back in your routine following the holidays! We sure are!! School is busy and the ski season is in full swing. So I do not know if you heard on the news about this controversy last week. There was a situation where a mom was nursing her baby in a baby clothing store in Montreal and she was told that she could not nurse her baby there. Amazing that in 2011 people are still told not to feed there baby in a public place or are sent to the bathroom. Would you eat in a bathroom?? Anyway the mother got angry and blogged about it and it got picked up by the news. The store finally sent her an official apology letter and the mother accepted the apology. Some nursing moms have also decided to organize a Nurse-In on January 19th at 1pm. So if you are a nursing mother feel free to join them on this day!

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Nursing twins

Hi everyone

I just had the visit of one of my patient who was expecting twins with her babies that are now 13 days old. It brings back such memories for me to see these little babies!! It seems like yesterday I had my twins in my arms, tiny little chicken like I used to call them. The mom was visiting me to consult on nursing her twin babies.
Nursing twins brings many challenges but it is doable. With a good support system!!! Moms can do it. How many time have I heard you will not be able to nurse your babies !! One of the tricks that worked for me was to nurse them together. It made it alot easier with a good twin breastfeeding pillow. Moms of twins are tired but I say it is like a marathon take one day at a time and you will get there. It can only get easier from here. Try to have two naps at the beginning, one in the morning and one in the afternoon so that you can cope a bit better with the sleep deprivation. Accept that you can not do everything alone and you need help.

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