Great parenting workshop!

Hi everybody

Do you ever trouble parenting your kids. Do you feel like you just get frustrated because nobody seems to listen to each other and understand what is happening. Well last winter I attended this great workshop given by a friend of mine based on the book “talk so your kids will listen” . It was so helpful!! It allowed me to get some tools that are not only reward base or bribery base to make my kids listen to me! So I will give the information if you feel like attending a workshop I am sharing the information.

If you decide to attend I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I am sure you will not regret it!
To all Montreal Families – a chance to add some skills to your parenting toolbox!
Workshop: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen (and Listen So Kids Will Talk!)
Start Date: Wednesday, Feb 9th for 6 weeks
Time: 7:30-9:30pm
Contact: Tanja Knutson – 514-245-4464
Covers: Learning empathy, encouraging cooperation, nurturing confidence, alternatives to punishment, cultivating virtues.
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