Is wearing high heels bad for your back?

Hi Everyone,

In practice, some of my patients that complain of back pain realize that it coincides with a night out when they wore their high heels.  I often get asked that question “could my back pain be due to the fact that I wore high heels yesterday? “. While I was browsing the internet, I found this research report on the topic and thought it may be appropriate to talk about it  and stir up some discussions. The easy answer to the comment is that it  may create  muscle fatigue or calf tightness, that it changes the alignment of the spine and creates compensations but does it really?  More and more researchers are looking at the topic. This research actually looked at the impact of wearing high heels on the erector spinae muscles ( muscles close to your spine) and the way your pelvis gets affected when you walk.

Women have been wearing high heels since the 17th century either for social or work events. There are some reports that 59% of women  actually wear high heel shoes for 1- 8 hours per day.  We have thought that high heel actually changes and raises your centre of mass of the body which will change the stability of the posture and will affect the lumbar muscle timing which will result in fatigue and pain.  It will tend to have an effect on the low back curve called the lordosis by increasing it and will change the way women walk or pelvis mechanics. Are these true facts,  what did the research say!

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Back to School!

Hi everyone

Time has passed quickly again! It was back to school for my gang this morning. Everything was ready to go! All the bags were full with books and supplies.All the names were written on everything. The kids were really excited but also a bit nervous!  There were really excited to see their new class, teacher and to see there friends again. I could not believe that my daughter was starting her 6th grade last year of elementary and my boys are starting 3rd grade. Wow they all look so grown up!

I wanted to include a few recommendations that I wrote last year to remind you how important it is to verify the kids back pack to avoid pain and discomfort.

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Computer Posture and Chiropractic

Hi everyone

It has been a while since I updated my blog!! I have been quite busy with my travels for my master and all the homework that comes with it!!


Last week, I posted this photo on my facebook page. It triggered quite a bit of discussion. It was even brought up at a cocktail that I attended on Friday. Somebody said once they saw it, they immediately straightened out. It goes to show you that I am sure many of you have very poor posture while you sit at the computer. In the long run, this posture will cause you  lots of spinal issues and pain !!! I tease sometimes my patients by saying that computer is the best invention that  keeps us in business!!!

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Pregnancy and chiropractic!

Hi everyone

It has been a long time since I wrote! I am not ignoring you guys but as most of you know I am busy working on my master. Since the last post, I have been back to England and came back with lots of ideas and work to do!! I am really back at school!!

I wanted to talk about pregnancy a little bit because lately I have had a number of pregnant patients come through the office. All have little  different aches and pain at various stages of pregnancy. Pregnancy brings many changes to your body physically and emotionally! It is a vey special time for  a women even if it is not the first pregnancy! The first thing I would like to mention is that moms should not think that because you are pregnant it is normal to have pain!! It is never normal to have pain !!!Chiropractic is a very safe and effective method of helping mothers with back pain during pregnancy.

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Great Research on the chiropractic Adjustment!

Hi everybody

I was reading a chiropractic report and came across some interesting research that I thought would be worth sharing with you. The public in general is not aware of the research that is being done in chiropractic actually some people do not even think that chiropractic has any research!! When I am at conferences I am always impressed with all the amazing research that is actually being done in the field and wish some people from other fields would be there to listen!

One big name in our field is Dr.Greg Kawchuk Dc Phd. He is working with a multi-disciplicary team of prominent physical therapist and chiropractors from the US and Canada and they have been researching the Mechanisms of action of Manipulation in LBP patients. Here are the interesting facts of this research.  They wanted to  try  to explain some clinical results that we see when we use manipulation. They wanted to show the decrease in global stiffness and also show that a muscle called lumbar multifidus gets better recruitment. I will put the reference lower so if anybody is interested in learning exactly how they did it they will be able to find the article but for my blog I will simply go to the results section. The results did show that following manipulation “there is an immediate global stiffness change and enhancement of the multifidus recruitment”.  They also observed that manipulation may be superior to mobilization in reducing spinal stiffness. That is so exciting and would explain why some patients who don’t  get results with other therapies that mainly use mobilization suddenly start to get better after we start  using manipulation.  Therefore that  thrust or that little more force done quickly usually makes the difference in patients and they start to feel much better. Finally research that confirms what I had been saying and thinking all along!!!

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